Evanston's Premier Source for Manifesting Your Dreams

Posts tagged ‘new earth’

Thank You All, So Much! From Astra

Hello all – Astra here!
I just wanted to let you know, I am stepping away from my role at Abundant Heart Center to give my energy to my new business, EMERGE: Embrace Your Truth.
Abundant Heart has been a very necessary segment of my road and journey. Co-creating all of the fascinating services that ClareShale and I channeled from the Universe last year was like nothing I had ever before dreamed or conceived of, and it has been absolutely instrumental in my own growth.
I have equally enjoyed being a witness for ClareShale’s transformation in all of this – she is a powerful shaman and leader – and of course I have been so honored and blessed to enjoy the growth and forward movement of our amazing clients. Our clients, truly, have been more astonishing than I could ever have hoped for – and to you, dear clients, I also say – oh my goodness – from the deepest well of my heart….I could never thank you enough for being You. I love you! ♥
If you like, you can reach me at:astra@emerge-embrace.com– or friend me/message me on my AstraSpider BizShaman page, https://www.facebook.com/astraspider.

I would absolutely love to keep in touch!
Again my new business, which I have been lovingly creating and growing, is EMERGE: Embrace Your Truth, where I support you in stepping into your power! http://emerge-embrace.com/
I would love for you to Like my new FB page here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/EMERGE-Embrace-Your-Truth/235849573166931
And follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com/EmergeEmbrace
Thank you all so much! ♥
Astra Spider
Shaman and Mentor

Life’s a Beach – If You Want it!

by Astra Spider

I couldn’t resist the reference to this fun, vintage motto from the 80’s!

But it’s true. Life’s a Beach – if you intend for it to be one!

We create our day-to-day living from what we decide to be, do, and act upon in every moment.

What if we all decided to relax, regroup and enjoy?

I remember many a hot summer’s day of childhood spent at Lake Michigan – the coolness of her magic waters, the warmth from the sun – the sudden gray of the sky as the sun would temporarily disappear behind the clouds. Laying on a blanket waiting for the golden light to reappear. The tropical scent of 70’s suntan lotion flowing through the air.

There was not much to worry about. There still isn’t. If we want it.

Relaxing, resting, playing. My favorite was to turn cartwheels in the wet sand at the shore over and over, and then turn around and look back at the prints that were made by hands and feet – hands and feet….and then, go get a treat from the ice-cream truck, or a snow cone from one of the vendors with their cool snow-cone vending bicycle contraptions – choosing the flavors and watching the bright colors of the syrup fill the frosty cone with beauty.

Now again I am deciding, in the energy of resting, relaxing, playing – I want it.

My Life’s a Beach. Is yours? Tell us all about it!



Being Myself in a World Full of Magic

by ClareShale Mountain Star

I emerge from bed at 6:45, and then it’s a two-hour dance of love bringing my children from home state of mind to school state of mind. From there my day unfolds in such a large variety of ways, each day of the week being different from the next, each week holding its own magic. It feels like my life is a grand and glorious improvisational aerial dance, complete with a flying trapeze (and safety nets of course, lots of them!).

This feeling, that my life is an aerial dance, began to emerge over this past summer and has been increasing in intensity and duration since then. I am still in observation mode, not sure I totally understand it yet, not sure if I like it or want it to dissipate. Can I attribute this to planetary shifts or is it simply a phase of life? Maybe both?

This new “dance” energy does feel important for me to master somehow – its lessons extend beyond the wisdom I am gaining from raising a family, strengthening my community and enjoying my career. My intuition tells me that the particular muscle I am being called to develop right now is: Faith. Faith in myself. Faith in the perfection of what IS. Faith that all my needs will be met in all situations if I follow my intuition, love myself enough to set and stand in clear boundaries, and follow the bright light of what brings me true JOY.

I have, out of necessity, begun to intentionally strengthen my Faith in the grand directors of this aerial dance, who I’m pretty sure are my own spirit in close cahoots with the mysterious workings of the Universe. I am finding that in order to move forward, I must trust that the platform will be there when I release my grip and fly through the air, grabbing lunch and dry cleaning as I gracefully twirl onto my feet. Sometimes I perform beautifully and gracefully, not missing a beat. Of course, there are also those days when I completely miss my cues and end up all turned around; but that’s the learning process in action, I suppose.

I so appreciate you taking the time to walk through this with me. I know that we are all connected in ways I don’t totally comprehend, so it is highly probable that you have danced though the air in your own life as well. I welcome your feedback and would love to hear about your experience!


Astra Spider & ClareShale Mountain Star: 


Abundant Heart: Manifest Your Dreams


Blog – www.abundantheart.wordpress.com

Twitter – www.twitter.com/abundantheart

Facebook – www.facebook.com/abundantheart

LinkedIn – http://www.linkedin.com/pub/astra-spider-clareshale-mountain-star/35/a05/598

Love Each Day as a “Holy Day”

by Astra Spider

Here are my holiday thoughts – and many of you already do this – but, it crossed my mind today that we can give ourselves permission to celebrate each day – love our lives in each moment.

I observe people who stress being happy on the holidays, so much so that they are stressed out over being happy on the holidays!

I encourage you to think of every day as a holi-day, or Holy Day.

Rather than be grateful on Thanksgiving, be grateful each minute.

Rather than celebrate fellowship, friends and family on your “holiday of choice that falls nearest to the Winter Solstice,” have a daily party in your heart and dance with love for your BFF’s and your favorite blood kin and your soul mates all year round!

Rather than celebrate new beginnings at the start of the new Year, why not re-birth and re-define yourself daily, even hourly as you see fit – and as feels great in your heart, soul and Whole Self.

I am not dissing the holidays – if you love them and celebrate them, that is fabulous! Definitely include them in your dance of Joy!

I’m just saying – integrate that joyous cornucopia of happiness into your very cells, so that it weaves continuously into the daily quilt of your life – the gorgeous quilt you are creating every fantastic minute of each superb day.

Sweet Love!


Astra Spider & ClareShale Mountain Star: 


Abundant Heart: Breakthrough Success in Your Life and Art


Blog – www.abundantheart.wordpress.com

Twitter – www.twitter.com/abundantheart

Facebook – www.facebook.com/abundantheart

LinkedIn – http://www.linkedin.com/pub/astra-spider-clareshale-mountain-star/35/a05/598

How My Mind Learned to Love Simplicity

by ClareShale Mountain Star

I’ve been interested lately in the more simplistic elements of life; I love that they are so easy to achieve and enjoy. A simple meal of soup and bread, a simple gathering with a few friends, a simple melody, my favorite jeans. Those are all pretty basic, but so deeply enjoyable.

On a spiritual level, Simplicity is currently my quest. I’m finding that walking my path with Simplicity is a very interesting challenge. In my experience simplicity at its core consists of being in the Present Moment. Nothing is required of me in that place but to be aware. No doing, thinking, planning – just awareness. This seems like it should be easy to achieve and enjoy (like the jeans), but wow – it’s so much more of a journey than that.

Being Present is of course an experience that connects all seekers on the path of “enlightenment”; practices to support experiencing Present moment awareness have been handed down from teacher to student for centuries. I love thinking about how this state is our birthright and as children we are just there already – it reminds me of that story about Jesus telling his followers that they needed to be as little children to enter the “Kingdom of God.”

About 8 or 9 months ago I came to a new level in my process of consciously creating my life. I realized that I had not taken the time to really deeply consider what my inner being actually wanted to create; it was like there was a dis-connect between my Heart and Mind. When I finally checked in with my Heart to find out what was there and ready to be brought into the world I received an answer that was very simple; my heart wanted my being to “Be Present.” Up until that point I had been endeavoring to create a life that resonated only with what my mind and personality wanted – it was very external and not Simple at all!

I wanted to be in Maui, I wanted to create a sustainable community, I wanted to have chickens in my yard, etc. It seems funny to think about it now, but that was what I was making my whole life about. Those very external things. The truth is that without looking within to find the true desires of my heart and soul, I would still be searching for the next thing and the next, no matter how awesome my sustainable home in Maui was. True happiness would have been just out of reach.

I’m so glad that I took the time to find and consciously connect with the Intention of my heart. My dream home will still be built, my vacations in Maui will be great and my chickens are going to be amazing, but enjoying those wonderful experiences is no longer what my life is all about.

My simple Intention for living in each moment is to Be Present – a challenge to be sure – but an Intention that I find deepens each day. Thank you Heart for sharing your deep wisdom with my dear friend: Mind.

Please add your comments here, we’d love to hear from you!
Astra Spider & ClareShale Mountain Star: THE EMPOWERMENT SHAMANS

Claiming My Spirit-Centered Christmas

by ClareShale Mountain Star

As a teen my perception of the Christmas celebration was skewed dramatically by the gross consumer obsession that I saw reflected in the gift-giving traditions of my culture. I rebelled against this perception that I had of Christmas as much as I could, making dramatic anti-consumerism cards and sculptures as gifts for my parents.

In general the holidays were a stressful and anxiety-filled time for me because I was so busy protesting it all. (Which was of course the perfect thing for me to be doing at that point in time; I was doing my job as a Teen!)

When I began my own family, though, I began to soften my opinion; and especially as I deepened my awareness of the ancient pagan roots of the holiday, I really started to wonder what it might mean for me in my adult life to celebrate Christmas.

Having small children, as you may be aware, tends to make deep contemplation of historical, philosophical, cultural and spiritual phenomena a bit challenging. This is especially true around the Christmas season when there are a thousand things to do. Basically, for me, up until now it has been all about “Christmas Survival.”

This year though, I am finding, is different – because my kids are actually getting older.  No one is potty-training and everyone sleeps through the night in their own bed! Now it is truly possible for me to think about a subject for more than five minutes at a time; and Christmas is even more important than ever, because all the kids are Aware that it’s happening – so I’m needing to step up my game!

I know it seems like I’m yammering on, and I kind of am, so I will get to my point.

With all the traditions, reasons to celebrate and ways to move through this time, I am feeling so happy about being able to “Focus with Intention” on the parts that resonate most with me. There are many different kinds of holiday energies floating around out there right now. I’m finding it takes a bit of effort for me to stay grounded with my actions, awareness and even finances all geared towards celebrating Christmas in a way that really resonates with me and my family, but it’s so worth it.

This is our first year lighting an Advent Wreath; the kids are so excited to light the candles. My 4 year-old is especially thrilled with the whole idea…it’s just so super-cute to see them get geared up for such a seemingly simple act. I know for them the season holds an incredible magic.

I am thankful that I can relax and explore Christmas a bit this year, and I am so thrilled to find that I have the inner resources to discover what is special for me about this time amidst all the possibilities.

Good Yule!


I’m Not Waitin’ on Roosevelt Any More

by our roving shamanic reporter, ClareShale Mountain Star

This week has been all about noticing that the things that have held me back and taken a long time to be released in the past are now just non-issues. It (finally) feels like simply having the intention and a connection to the earth beneath my feet is enough to create any state of mind I choose.

Interestingly, the art I’ve been surrounding myself with over these last few days has been all about the transformational period of human history that occurred during the 1930’s. In particular, the turning point that occurred in the hearts of Americans — when they realized that their lives were impossibly difficult and it was time to stand up and do something about it. This time was a time for organizing, striking, and demanding fair wages and safe working conditions.

Astra and I attended a showing at Victory Gardens of “Voices of the People’s History” a cinematic production inspired by the work of Howard Zinn: A People’s History of the United States, one of the best selling history books of all time. This show spans 500 years of American History. The general story is about how regular, “ordinary” people stood up throughout those years and demanded what they wanted from those “in charge.”  It’s a story about the persistence and vision of the masses. This of course includes an in-depth look at the depression era social climate. The film presented a very moving reading by Danny Glover of the Langston Hughes poem “Ballad of Roosevelt”, followed by the song “Dear Mr. President” by the artist Pink. A brilliant juxtaposition.

Two days later we were back at the same theater watching “Waiting for Lefty;” a play by Clifford Odets which weaves together multiple stories from situations taking place during the depression.  It’s a layered piece that peels off, one by one, veils of societal restraint; going from frustration to desperation, to despondence to anger and finally circling into inspired commitment to action.  Our client Jeremy Glickstein gave a fantastic performance; I don’t want to give away anything about his role though, as it was such a great surprise! 🙂

At one point our favorite female character implores the group to “Tear down the slaughterhouses of our old lives!” I can so relate to the need to do that in my own life at times; and it totally relates to my personal theme for the week of completely letting go of whats not working. I know I’m going to remember that quote for a while. After the show we had the opportunity to chat with actor Warren Levon (“Agate”), who gave the final rousing monologue – an incredibly moving performance that brought tears to my eyes. Here’s a pic of Warren, Astra and Jeremy:

The aspect of this era that stands out for me as a shining gem is that moment when we realize: “Something must change and I need to be the one to change it.” It’s when our hearts can no longer bear the burdens and the heavy cloaks of others that have been heaped on us, and we realize that those burdens and cloaks were never ours in the first place. It’s when we give those ideas about life back to their original owners (parents, teachers, employers, etc) and allow ourselves to say:  “Now I create my life as my own!”

Here is a link to that Langston Hughes poem read by Danny Glover http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HADGKw_wa5E&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL2FC920682755327E

Excerpt from:

Ballad of Roosevelt

Cold winds blow
And didn’t have no
Place to go
Pa said, I’m tired
O’waitin’ on Roosevelt,
Roosevelt, Roosevelt.
Damn tired o‘ waitin’ on Roosevelt

A Life of Your Own Design

The Artist is you. There is not another person on the planet who decides what your life will be, so you might as well design it to align perfectly with your desires!

Are you happy with your job, work, or career? Is it fulfilling? More importantly – is it the career of your dreams?

How do you feel when you walk in to your home? Are you instantly relaxed, knowing that all you need is at your fingertips? Are the colors of your decor pleasing to your eye? Are there clean lines which calm the heart and clear the mind? Do your chosen art and furniture pieces nourish your soul with their beauty, comfort and energy?

If you answered no to any of the above question, now is the perfect time to take stock of what needs to be transformed.

Exercise: Jot down the answers to the following questions in a beautiful journal or favorite notebook:

1) What brings me joy?

2) What hobbies and past-times have I thoroughly enjoyed since I was a child – and are still with me now?

3) Do I have any regular habits that do not thoroughly nourish me, heart and soul? If so, what new habits can I begin to replace them with, that make my heart smile and my spirit sing?

4) Am I feeding my body with my favorite foods that energize me and cause my whole self to tingle with life?

5) If I were living the life of my wildest dreams, of my own creation and perfect design, what would that look like? Feel like? Taste like? Where am I? How do I fill my days? How do I fill my nights?

Take stock of your answers, and see if you feel any different after fully experiencing what you have created by placing pen to paper.

Did you know that the act of simply writing something down is a powerful manifesting tool? So, how do you want to design your life?

Go ahead, write it down – we dare you!

With so much love and excitement for your creations,

Astra Spider & ClareShale Mountain Star: 


Abundant Heart: Breakthrough Transformation

for Creative Professionals


Astra: astra@abundantheartliving.com

ClareShale: 773-230-2144

Blog – www.abundantheart.wordpress.com

Twitter – www.twitter.com/abundantheart

Facebook – www.facebook.com/abundantheart

LinkedIn – http://www.linkedin.com/pub/astra-spider-clareshale-mountain-star/35/a05/598

A Relaxed State of Abundance

Have you ever noticed that the harder you struggle, the harder it is to succeed?

This is true in many instances.

The more you focus on what you don’t have, the harder it is to get what you desire.

The more you think about how annoying your (co-workers, boss, in-laws, etc.) are, the harder it is to welcome them and accept that they are human just as you.

This illustrates that what is forced is not natural. That the way to open to the flow of the “good life” is by doing just that. Opening. Allowing. This is done from a relaxed state of knowing you already have everything you need.

Knowing that what you want, combined with a balance of relaxation and gentle movement forward, is the path to abundance.

Passion plus peace.

Excitement meets inner calm.

When we follow our dreams and allow the flow to take us towards our goals, we emit the energy of trust. Trust allows us to arrive at our destinations at an accelerated rate rather than feeling all the stops and starts and blocks that begin within our chattering minds and unrestful thoughts.

So what do you want to create today? Breathe your dream into your heart and ride your soul slowly down the river of abundance.


Astra Spider and ClareShale Mountain Star

Abundant Heart: Breakthrough Transformation for Creative Professionals





Why Live from the Heart?

The Earth is shifting powerfully right now. It is a rollercoaster ride such as we may never have felt and we are realizing that much of our past experience no longer applies to how we are moving through life in the present. Old ways of thinking and acting now feel inconsistent with the stirrings and whispers of our hearts and souls, and the communications that are now coming through to us from our home, Planet Earth.

One thing remains consistent throughout any change we may experience: Love.

Our own love-centers, our Hearts, are opening like never before and we are experiencing this opening in many ways.  We have noticed physical sensations in the fronts and backs of our hearts and heart chakra-areas and other symptoms that have no other direct explanation. There has been discomfort as the “old” has been being released – old emotions, old belief systems, old teachings are coming up and out, making room for open expansive love to fully bloom from our hearts.  We are getting to know our heart-centered selves from a place of being willing to experience all aspects of our lives; acknowledging that some of our past choices were not made from the heart-space of our own happiness, but instead were in accordance to what our minds thought we had to do.

And then there was also guilt and regret that we may have chosen to take on for not doing what we were told we “should” have done. This guilt was a symptom of living within the old belief systems that kept us feeling bad if we strayed from what we were taught for centuries by a society filled with poverty, pain and struggle. That if we let our heart-spark grow and shine, if we chose a life of being who we truly are – our brilliant selves – and what we truly are – Love – then we were not being good citizens, good sons and daughters, nice girls and boys. That we even needed to be punished for living our Truths.

What we are awakening to is that there is no longer any purpose served by remaining hidden, small, in the dark. The Earth is exploding with newness and shattering the shells we have allowed to build up so protectively around our hearts.

Here we include the well-known passage from Marianne Williamson who puts it so remarkably:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Yes – nothing enlightened about shrinking! We are starting to see that where there is Love, there is truth – there is joy – there is excitement in meeting challenges, re-creating our Selves and re-remembering the flame in our hearts.

Astra and ClareShale

Abundant Heart: Heart-Inspired Living for a Shifting Earth